Nicole Favereau is a french coach, riding for French team, winner of Grand Prix in 2016/2017/2018 and pre-selected for 2016 Olympics in Rio. She lives in the South of France where she works with horses and prepare them for dressage and eventing concours along with her husband Jean-Marc at the Ecurie Favereau stables.

As Nicole is also a rider, she came to a point when she needed to do live coaching lessons with her coach as both were living too far to do physical lessons. And having someone to film each time she wanted to ride was not an option.
I tested several auto-follow robots. The less expensive ones could not keep up with the tracking and were loosing me too often, requiring my coach to control the tracking with his keyboard. Not the best thing to focus on the lesson! Others were either too expensive and took too long to set up. Finally we tested PIXEM and it is the perfect compromise!
According to Nicole Favereau, one of the great thing is that tracking is accurate and that her coach is able to see the lesson perfectly and with a great quality of image thanks to her smartphone mounted on the robot. Nicole usually rewatches the lesson afterwards to see the parts that can be improved and worked on. She also uses the PIXEM robot to do a lessons with other riders, wearing several watches and switching from one rider to another whenever they want.
It’s easy to use, and to carry. You can even bring it to competition or dressage and film without disturbing anyone. We also use it to do some contents for our social media. We used to have someone walking aroud the riders to film them. Now we set up the robot, take watches et voilà !
Progress & horse sales
As Nicole prepares horses for competition, she also needs to witness areas and exercises that needs to be worked on to progress.
There is nothing better than having the videos of the horses to check the journey made with a horse and what can be improved! I set up the robot in a few minutes and then I just do my thing! And then I can rewatch the videos later.
The auto-follow has also been used by Nicole for horse sales. Not having to worry about a good tracking, or image quality has improved the quality of the video :
Now that I focus on the horse, I feel like the video are smoother, more natural and more interesting for buyers to watch! Sometimes I even use the one-to-one live lesson service to do a live demonstration to a potential buyer! Or I film, edit the video from my phone and send it or post it on selling website directly.
Taking coaching to a new level
Nicole Favereau has also created her own coaching platform Eriding Solutions. Riders can contact her, send her videos of their riding to which she will reply with audio comments and exercises to work on for next time.
Now with PIXEM I also film myself doing the exercice to show the riders what they need to work on for next time. Then I just send the video from my phone right after and that’s it !
If you’re like us and want to do live coaching in good conditions or justfilm your progress at home, then PIXEM is made for you !