SlingStudio is an affordable, #wireless multi-camera #broadcasting platform that helps you capture services and activities for your house of worship in a powerful way. SlingStudio makes it easy to monitor, record, switch, edit and stream live HD-quality video to your congregation to help them stay connected.
SlingStudio easily integrates with your existing equipment or, if you are just starting out, takes a lot of the expense out of setting up a multi-camera broadcast #ministry or helps What’s more, the simplicity of the platform allows even non-technical congregation volunteers to embrace the technology, which expands your coverage to outdoor events and retreats, youth group activities and more.
Setting up the #SlingStudio Wireless #Hub is incredibly easy. It can be plugged in or powered by battery, which also makes it mobile. First, download the #SlingStudio Console app, and connect the device to your wireless network. From there, you can establish your live broadcast connection and add your camera sources using the SlingStudio’s HDMI input and #CameraLink units, which allow you to go fully wireless. These units convert your video and audio into a wireless signal that connects with the Console app. CameraLink units also allow the connected cameras to transmit up to 300 feet away from the SlingStudio hub.
The SlingStudio Console app for iOS basically turns your iPad into a Live Switcher. You can easily switch between connected cameras, choose to record each feed independently to edit later and even bring in an audio feed via its dedicated audio input.
SlingStudio is the only platform that’s flexible enough for every production. With SlingStudio’s video-grade wireless technology, you can connect a combination of up to 10 professional cameras, camcorders, and smartphones. SlingStudio’s robust wireless technology operates with minimal interference at distances up to 300 feet – without cables – greatly reducing your setup and teardown time, which also makes it a great option for portable churches.
Another key feature includes #livestreaming to #Facebook, #YouTube, #Twitch, #Periscope, #Livestream, etc., with the touch of a button. SlingStudio allows you to get up to seven recordings with each production, including individual feeds, the program recording, a quad view and line-in audio. You can easily export your footage to Adobe Premiere Pro CC and Apple Final Cut Pro X. SlingStudio also has an app, which allows you to turn your iPad into a portable production studio.
When you think of the most boring thing you can do on the face of the earth, I think of church sometimes. Part of my mission is to change that, and make it more visible, more entertaining, and more engaging.

When I first saw what SlingStudio could do, it blew me away. If you have ever set up a multicamera shoot, you know it takes hours; SlingStudio made it into minutes. I have a particular way that I like to shoot church – I like to have two handheld cameras. Slingstudio makes that super easy because I can just use iPhones for that. I can use HDMI cameras with the camera links – one is a close-up, one is a head-to-toe – plus planted cameras in the drum cage and over the key boards, and I can do all of this wirelessly using SlingStudio. With the old way of doing television, the expense of having ten cameras in a shoot would be astronomical. I can now roam about, x problems, direct the show and talk to my cameras all at the same time during broadcast, which was impossible until now. Another feature that I think is really important is the social media possibilities SlingStudio offers. You can now take your message beyond the four walls of the church. It’s more than just streaming it online. When you have the ability to go back and reedit and repurpose, your message can now be used to bring the word to life. When I look at this technology, and what any size church can do with SlingStudio, it really is limitless. This tool will expand your creativity and take your productions to another level.
With SlingStudio, you now can take your message beyond the four walls of the church. It’s more than just streaming it online. When you have the ability to go back and re-edit and re-purpose your message can now be used to bring the Word to life.

Written by Mark Leonard, A Pastor and Producer